ALICE® is an acronym that stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.

ALICE households earn incomes above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but below the basic cost of living. These households are one unexpected expense away from slipping into poverty as defined by the FPL.

Overlooked and underserved by outdated poverty measures such as the FPL, ALICE families and individuals have jobs, but most do not qualify for social services or support. The jobs held by ALICE individuals are critical to the success of our communities – jobs such as childcare workers, laborers, home health aides, heavy truck drivers, store clerks, repair workers, and office assistants – yet they aren’t sure if they’ll be able to put dinner on the table each night.

The Wisconsin ALICE Report provides timely, research-based data that quantifies who in Wisconsin, is living on the edge of financial insecurity. ALICE individuals are striving for financial stability, but face complex barriers.


"Although I am older than most of the population [at UWGB] and poor, no one sees that (thankfully). My eliminating my face by using my hair is me expressing the fact that you can't see my individualness. You can't see my poverty. You can't see my age. I'm just a girl."

ALICE Knows No Demographic

Anyone can be ALICE.

Our entire community is affected by the challenges that ALICE families and individuals face. By tackling those challenges, we can build a stronger and more prosperous community.

ALICE in Brown County

In Brown County, 1 in 3 households are living below the ALICE threshold and are struggling to meet their basic needs.

ALICE Knows No Borders

Brown County communities with percentages of households living below the ALICE Threshold (ALICE + poverty) at or above the county average of 34%:

  • Green Bay 42%
  • Denmark 42%
  • Ashwaubenon 38%
  • Pulaski 35%
  • Bellevue 34%

Who is ALICE in Brown County?

The lived experiences and challenges of ALICE community members impact our entire community. When we lift up ALICE, we all benefit. ALICE is our friend, our neighbor, our family member, our coworker. Examples include:

  • College students and recent graduates working and saddled with tuition debt
  • Young families struggling to pay for childcare
  • Underemployed – less than full-time work and no benefits
  • Military – travel and demanding jobs
  • People with disabilities – less income, more costs
  • Family caregivers for people with disabilities and seniors
  • Seniors – loss of income, rising costs, health issues

Overall, 1 in 3 Brown County households (34%) lives below the ALICE Threshold and struggles to meet daily basic needs.

When ALICE Report data is disaggregated, the deepest disparities are revealed – including but not limited to the following population groups which live at or below the ALICE Threshold at rates equal to or greater than the county rate of 34%:

  • 72% of single-female-headed-households with children
  • 62% of Black-headed-households
  • 53% of American Indian/Alaska Native-headed-households
  • 53% of under-age-25-headed-households
  • 49% of single-male-headed-households with children
  • 49% of age-65-and-older-headed-households
  • 44% of households headed by individuals of two or more races
  • 40% of Hispanic/Latino-headed-households
  • 34% of White-headed-households