BCUW Seeking Proposals for Neighborhood Partnership Grants

November 22, 2022  |  Posted in ,


News Release

Brown County United Way seeking proposals for Neighborhood Partnership Grants
Nonprofit organizations can apply online through the BCUW website starting in December.

GREEN BAY— Brown County United Way (BCUW) continues investing to help create a community vision revitalizing Green Bay neighborhoods.

The Neighborhood Partnership Grants (NPG) allow nonprofits to uplift their communities through grants of up to $10,000. These nonprofits must serve in one of the four-neighborhood cohort areas (Downtown, Navarino, Whitney Park, and Joannes Park) or Green Bay neighborhoods with a high ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) population. The grants will provide funding for the project, program, and activity-based initiatives directly serving the neighborhoods.

“We designed this grant opportunity in response to ongoing community conversations, where residents and neighborhood groups shared their wishes and dreams for their neighborhoods,” says Jill Sobieck, BCUW Impact and Initiatives Strategist. “Our goal is to support neighborhood development efforts that create spaces and opportunities that support individual and neighborhood well-being, where residents can engage in programs that build relationships or skills, and where diversity is celebrated.”

Grant applications will open on December 1, 2022, and close on January 31, 2023. Awards will be announced in early May of 2023. The grant cycle will occur from May 15, 2023, to May 15, 2024. To date, BCUW has granted around $88,000 to 11 programs through the NPG.

More information about the application process can be found at browncountyunitedway.org under the “Our Impact” tab. Individuals wanting to donate to the cause can do so through the “Give” button at the top of the webpage.

About Brown County United Way: Founded in 1925, Brown County United Way (BCUW) is a center for community-based strategies. Through direct fundraising, grant-making, community mobilization, and advocacy efforts, BCUW leverages its organizational resources and deep local partnerships to advance targeted community solutions. With the help of more than 500 community volunteers from all community sectors, BCUW is dedicated to finding solutions to the community’s most pressing human-services issues.